Barack Obama Announces Exploratory Committee

In an video announcement this morning at 10am (ET), Barack Obama has declared that he is setting up an exploratory committee to seek the Democratic nomination for President.

The video message can be viewed on his website

Obama said in his message that over the next several weeks, he will be going across the country, talking to people and "..listening and learning more about the challenges we face as a nation, the opportunities that lie before us and the role that a presidential campaign might play in bringing our country together."

On February 10, in Illinois, after conducting his discussions, he will share his future plans with his friends, neighbours and fellow Americans.

Obama criticized the direction that America was headed. On Iraq, he said it was a tragic and costly war that should never have been waged.

Obama stated that "..Change in our politics can only come from you. Meaningful change always begins at the grass roots." But he has "...great faith and hope in the future."

There is no doubt that the massive attention has put some pressure on his website.

Such is the interest in the skinny kid with a funny name who is running for President.